Response to John Piper's article on faith & politics by Neel Woods
J ohn Piper recently published an article entitled Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin PONDERING THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE 2020 ELECTION . It's very thought-provoking, especially for Christians who are seeking to vote with Godly integrity. I am obliged to respond but I must preface by saying that I have long held Dr. Piper in the highest regard, and I certainly still do. What I understand Piper to be challenging in his article is the tendency of many Christians to make a false delineation between "blatant, unrepentant sins of character (e.g. sexual immorality, boastfulness, vulgarity, factiousness)" and "policies that endorse baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting, and socialistic overreach." While he respectfully declines to call out candidates or parties, the implications are apparent. Piper is baffled that some people find character sins to be "only toxic for our nation" while...