Does God Still Whisper? I've begun following the channel of a conservative evangelical called PoliteLeader . His stated purpose is to "critique many contemporary movements and leaders in Christendom [and] to point Christians to solid Bible teachers they can learn sound theology from." He is well-researched and respectful, but he pulls no punches. I find myself in agreement with him on most of his articles but recently, he has challenged the idea that God still speaks to His people today in that still, small voice spoken of in scripture (see Beth Moore | I Hear Voices In My Head ). Below is my rebuttal to his post. Let me begin, Alan, by saying how much I appreciate your 'polite' treatment of these controversial topics. It's a welcome change from the normal cadence of social media. Your well-delivered posts warrant a thoughtful response. My father used to tell a very corny joke, but I think it's relevant. He spoke of a man who claimed unequivocally that ...
Showing posts from December, 2020